Saturday, November 28, 2009

Twas the day before Ironman Cozumel......

The tune up and prep

As I was awoken by my son at 5 am this morning, I could still hear the wind howling. Mindy was up and took care of Melia and Troy. I went back to sleep to get some rest. Mindy yells at me Dave get up they opened the swim and there is no wind, no way I said. I got up AND IT WAS PERFECT!!! Lind the water was perfect, I got my speedsuit on, goggles, and swim cap and I left from the beach from the condos. As I dove in a school of silver fish were there to greet me, as I swam past them I headed out to the course were there were hardly any athletes swimming. I rounded the two yellow buoys that showed the turn around point, and I just took it in.

I popped up to look around to see the ocean, the coast, the athletes swimming, the coast guards (there was a diver there for our safety and I flashed him a hang loose sign, he promptly signed if I was ok I flashed one back), I was floating in the ocean where I am going to become an Ironman, dude it was magical! I decided to swim to the dolphin enclosure where we are going to start, yeah dolphin enclosure I said it. I swam back and that's where all the athletes were. It was amazing, the view underwater. You could see all of the athletes swimming on the surface, all the marine life going on with out a care in the world. I hit the dock then headed back to the condo beach. That's where it got a little rough but nothing, let me repeat NOTHING like it was on Thursday. I am glad I swam in that current and rough water now. I picked it up for a few meters and then turned to the beach where Mindy, Rebbecca, Troy were waiting for me to come back, I popped up and they could see my huge grin from the beach. It was a great start to the day, as I came in I was looking at the ocean floor and found a huge shell that I gave to Troy, his eyes lit up to see that and daddy coming in from the ocean. Coach Craig, I am ready for this, thanks again for your coaching!!

I hoped on the bike to get in a little ride, I rode past the park to see the transition, and I have a LONG run from the entrance to the transition area to my bike rack position but at least I am close to the bike exit. They had carpeted, well made good attempt on it. I rode on for a few miles and legs felt great, I turned around headed back to get in a little run. Went on the run, with just my tri shorts. That was big for me. Ran a mile then got Melia and played with her in the cold pool, she loved it she is a water baby like Troy. Troy and grandma went to town to ride the horse drawn carriage, he loved it. They had some good time together.

As I started to get the bags packed for the race, everyone went to the park to hang out. Really Mindy took the kids out of the condo to give me space and time to get ready. She has done a ton of work to help me with this, so has her mom and step dad and Becca. I pack every thing I need and even get the special needs bags set up. As I packed I put on the Secret to re watched and help visualize, as I finished I took a small nap on the couch. The crew came in and I helped them out for a bit, Mindy took G-daddy and her mom to the ferry they were going to Cancun to some place to eat for G-daddy's 60Th birthday. Rebbecca went with some people she meet to go scuba diving, so it was just me and the kids. We had a good time, Mindy came back and all the athletes that were staying at the condos got together for a group picture at 5:00, which is when I had to drop of my bike, and when Texas Tech started to play. Took some pictures and then took the bike to transition.

We got marked as we took the bikes in, someone stopped me to take a picture of me and the bike, walked in right by the pros bikes and saw Patrick Evos (fellow austinite), had a mechanic oil my chain and put my bike on the rack with my helmet. AS I did ran into Bobbie from San Antonio, she had a few questions that I actually had the answers too. Took my run and bike bag to hang up and took one last look at transition and left. It was so beautiful because the sun was setting at that time. As I was leaving I was getting pumped! I walked back to the condo really excited for tomorrow. The kids are down and Becca took Mindy to the restaurant next door for a drink and I am here to focus.

So those are the days events, here are my thoughts. I asked for this dream 3 years ago, and with Mindy's and a ton of other supporters made this happen. Now, tomorrow I get to make it happen. Its really funny that they say triathlons are an individual sport but I see other wise. Your wife gives you time to train, you train with your friends, your sponsors help out with gear, your supporters drive you to do well. This days was encompassed by many to help purse a dream, my dream, our dream through me. As i ready all those inspirational notes said something to me, most were support others were direct and all were welcomed, thanks guys! When I cam e to this island, no one knew me here and still doesn't. As I was running the streets, no one honked at me to say hello, no one said Hey Dave I saw you running yesterday. No one knows who Dave is here. Not yet ;), they don't know my strenght, my determination, my heart, my desire to be my best, the support I have of Austin, Texas, and the support of my awesome wife, and son and daughter. Not yet, tomorrow I will show this island what it takes to be me, I WILL BECOME AN IROMAN!

"I am the worlds greatest"

"David, you don't have the option,
to not be great, go be great! We
will be there at the finish line
waiting for you, we love you"


  1. Good LUCK DAVID!!! All our prayers are for you Buddy!!

  2.'re already a hero to so many. Tomorrow you will become your own hero! YES!

  3. will be thinking of you all day tomorrow!!! sending you strength and inspiration! becky, adam, owen and finn

  4. Hi David - Here's an uplifting quote for you....
    "Trust yourself. Create the kind of self you will be happy to live with all of your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possiblity into flames of achievement." Foster C. McClelland. I'll be sending positive thoughts your way all day Sunday! Buena suerte... Ariana
